Wall decoration plays a big role in home decoration. Let’s make a big format wall decoration to decorate your home delicately!
First, prepare the design pattern. This can be your own idea, or a ready-made pattern downloaded from the Internet. No matter what method you choose, make sure the pattern is editable on your computer. After choosing a pattern, please consider the size and shape of your wall decoration to ensure the design fits the space.
Second, set the appropriate parameters on software and choose a proper material.
Material: 3mm basswood board
Laser head: Spider X1 10W
Cutting speed: 230mm/s
Cutting power: 100%

Third, copy the file to laser cutting machine. When everything is ready, you can start cutting. In order to finish this wall decoration, it’s applied three sets of extension frames which the Y-axis length has been reached to 2000mm. The time of this process depends on the size and complexity of the pattern.

After cutting, you can do post-process as desired. This may include painting, sanding or installing other decorative elements.
After a few steps above, you can create cool wall decorations which has unique style and personality to decorate your home and office spaces.